01 april 2007


I Science of Discworld II har Pratchett med en småkul pik mot det ekonomiska system som verkar råda i alla byråkratier i hela världen, t ex vårt eget kära vägverk:
Every morning, therefore, Blunk stoically delivered seven buckets to the joint door of the Professor of Cruel and Unusual Geography, the Chair of Experimental Serendipity, the Reader in Slood Dynamics, the Fretwork Teacher, the Chair for the Public Misunderstanding of Magic, the Professor of Virtual Anthropology and the Lecturer in Approximate Accuracy ... who usually opened the door in his underpants – that is to say, opened the door in the wall whilst wearing his underpants – and took the coal happily, even if it was a sweltering day. At Unseen University you had budgets, and if you didn't use up everything you'd been given you wouldn't get as much next time. If this meant you roasted all summer in order to be moderately warm during the winter, then that was a small price to pay for proper fiscal procedures.

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Blogger Alkanen said...

Ja, han har många bra politikcitat där =)

Funderar över en del saker i Going Postal däremot. Han verkar en aning marknadsfientlig i den, och det verkar lite skumt med tanke på att han är liberal. Men men, det märks väl vad som händer i nästa bok som handlar om myntpräglingen

06 april, 2007 20:11  

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